Skeddly actions are not just scripts that are executed on a server.
We don't simply use "cron" to execute your actions on a server. Cron only runs on a single server. It's not good enough for meeting high-availability requirements:
When you use Skeddly to create an action, your action executes in the cloud. That means that it is not tied to a particular server.
Skeddly actions live, move, thrive, and survive within the Skeddly eco-system. Skeddly is designed with high-availability requirements. If in a rare event a Skeddly server is unavailable, your actions live and will continue to execute on schedule.
What does it mean when Skeddly says an action executed successfully?
It means more than just "aws ec2 create-snapshot" executed and a snapshot has started.
When Skeddly creates an EBS snapshot (for example), it monitors the snapshot until the snapshot is complete. If a snapshot fails 20 minutes later, Skeddly knows and reports it to you.
When you see "Executed Successfully" next to an action execution, you know the snapshot was created successfully and not just started successfully.
With Skeddly, everything is logged. All logs are available to be viewed and downloaded.
Logging is beneficial for many reasons:
We even have a Service Level Agreement. This is our promise to you. With it you can relax in knowing that your scheduled actions will execute on-time.